2018 Board of directors election
We want your candidate recommendations!
Pursuant to Article 5, Section 4 of our Bylaws, we are providing notice that the elections for the Board of Directors for the Phoenix Illini Club are forthcoming. All positions are currently available for election. The Board of Directors include the following positions, along with their responsibilities:
President: The President will perform duties that generally pertain to the office of President, including any duties specified herein. The President will preside at all meetings of the Club and will be Chairperson of the Board of Directors and an ex-officio member of every committee. The President is responsible for preparing and submitting the annual report sent by the UIAA accurately within the prescribed time period, although duties can be reasonably delegated.
Secretary: The Secretary will maintain minutes of all Club and Board of Directors meetings. Such minutes will be captured during meetings and will be distributed to all Board members for their review within 10 days. Each Board meeting will begin with a review of the prior minutes, along with approval after any modifications, if necessary, are made.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will supervise all receipts and expenditures and financial arrangements for all meetings, programs, and events. The Treasurer is responsible for the internal controls of the Club and will make recommendations to the Board accordingly.
VP – Events: The VP of Events has primary responsibility for the coordination of events, including but not limited to game-watches, happy hours, cultural events, networking, etc.
VP – Communications: The VP of Communications is responsible for maintaining the website,sending newsletters, and posting to social media.
At this time, we ask that you submit nominations of potential board members directly to our current Board President, Jim Dwyer, and our chairperson of the election process, at info@phoenixillini.org. Jim has termed out of his role as President per the Bylaws, and is therefore a neutral official for purposes of this election. All nominations are due to Jim no later than September 10, 2018. You are free to nominate yourself, or nominate someone else whom you think would help our Club grow and prosper. If you are nominating someone, in addition to providing Jim with the person's name and email address, please also include a statement showing their qualifications, previous activity and involvement with the Club, and reasons why they would like to be on the Board.
We will circulate the names of the potential candidates, along with their candidate statement, by September 16, 2018. Elections will be held utilizing an email survey tool, and will be open for your participation from October 1, 2018 through October 15, 2018.
If you have any questions regarding the election process, please contact us directly at info@phoenixillini.org
Thank YOU for your help and consideration.