From the President...

Dear Phoenix Illini,

It is an honor to be your newest President of the Phoenix Illini Alumni Club.  I appreciate your support, passion, and loyalty.  I am excited to lead our group and build upon the foundation that was started by past leaders.

Our new board includes re-elected directors, a past president, and a former Illini student-athlete.  Our diverse backgrounds will complement each other and help the club flourish.

NUMBERS.  Our biggest priority as a club is to grow and expand our membership.  There are over 6,000 University of Illinois alumni and fans in the Valley and over 3,000 in our database.  However, we only have a few more than 100 members and about 50 consistently attending our events.  WE WANT YOU!

EVENTS.  We pride ourselves on planning, hosting, and executing fun events for all ages and demographics.  Our club has been recognized as one of the top ones in the country due to our diversity of events – sports, outdoors, awards, networking, social, and celebrities.  We strive to have different options every month of the year.

COMMUNICATION.  We are available 24/7/365, so if you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us.  Our board is always looking for ways to improve and suggestions on new ideas or events.  We are constantly posting updates on our website, social media channels (InstagramFacebook & Twitter), and e-newsletters.

Overall, our goal is to expand our group of loyal Illini supporters, fans, family, and friends and to raise scholarship funds for students in Champaign from the Valley.  If you know of someone who is passionate about the orange and blue out here in Arizona, please recommend the Phoenix Illini Alumni Club!


Phoenix Illini Alumni Club Board of Directors